sleep so·mat·ics

1. A condition of cognitive and physical restoration. 2. The practice of transformation. 3. A top-rated Texas sleep diagnostic center since 1999.

You spend one-third of your life asleep. Wasteful sleep produces a wasted life.
You are designed for health and long-life. Don't blame obesity, poor immunity, love handles, fatigue, and low libido on your genetics, age or the environment. Quality healthy sleep is one of the best ways to improve your immunity and defend against virus and disease. Optimal health, and fulfilling wellness are possible with correct, restorative sleep. We can overcome our genetics and age to look and feel how we want. We cannot overcome metabolically-sabotaging broken sleep. Healthy sleep is critical to maintain good health and immune system function.
Restoring your life, health and immune system function begins with restorative sleep.

Click here to read our SleepSomatics Patient Reviews.